Dropped my Nikon and now it won't work?

I have a Nikon D3300. The other day I had it on my table ( 2 feet tall )and when I got up my foot sadly caught the strap and it fell. It still turns on, I can view and delete photos, I can still change setting and everything. I can even still record. But when I try to take a photo it won't focus/take the photo. I've reset the settings and tried changing the settings and so forth but it won't take the photos.

Your camera is an entry level digital SLR and is a fragile instrument. There's nothing YOU can do to repair what you damaged
If the auto-focus was damaged (a strong possiblity), you are going to have to contact Nikon and arrange for them to repair this for your. Since you damaged the camera, you are going to have to pay for its repair.
I guess the good news is that it probably will not cost more than $250.
I recently sent an old Nikon D300 into Nikon because of an auto-focus issue. I got hammered while photographing a football game by one of the players and from that point on, my auto-focus was intermittent.
Nikon replaced the auto-focus motor (your camera does not have one) and the auto-focus electronics to repair that issue. While they were at it, they cleaned the sensor, replaced the shutter, replaced the base plate of the camera and completely cleaned, lubed and calibrated the whole camera. It came back looking and feeling like new.
I hope you have learned to treat your camera with more care in the future

My guess is that you have damaged the lens. It'll probably cost less to buy a new lens than try to have it repaired -- assuming it can be repaired.

Bring your Nikon back to the store you bought it from and ask for service.
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