Canon, nikon or fujifilm finepix?

I need help. Iv looked all over and my heads done in! Haha
I just need a decent camera for my holiday to Florida.


I would recommend the canon

I have a Nikon CoolPix L810 and I love it. It's great for people who are beginners in photography or people who want a decent camera without spending too much or getting to professional.

The Fujifilm (even the cheapest) will have a viewfinder and manual controls, if you're looking at bridge cameras. The manufacturer doesn't matter on compacts.
Anyone even considering the Idiots' Two at this level shouldn't be allowed out on his own.

Depends on which category:
DSLR: Entry level - Canon 600D
DSLR: Mid range - Nikon D90
DSLR: Studio - Nikon D800/D800E
DSLR: Pro - Canon 1D X
DSLR: Video - Canon Cinema EOS system.
Bridge - Fujifilm HS-30, Fujifilm X-S1
Enthusiast compact - Canon Powershot S110 HS, Panasonic Lumix LX-7
Large sensor compact - Fujifilm X-100
Travel zoom compact - Panasonic Lumix TZ-30, Canon Powershot SX260 HS

Head's done in? Haha all right. Here's my answer.
More than decent. Excellent!

Canon. I've had loads of different ones over the years and they are superb.