Is a Fujifilm Finepix a legitimate DSLR?

I'm a college student taking some photography classes on the side to compliment my major is Graphic Design and am wondering what kind of single lens reflex would be best to buy this semester. I'm on a tight budget so even though an expensive Cannon or Nikon would be my first choice, it looks like I'm going to have to make do… Any advice?

Fuji no longer makes an SLR or DSLR. So the answer is basically no. They did make a very nice SLR before the S5.

The Fujifilm FinePix line of cameras are all considered "point and shoots"
So, sadly, if you want a single lens reflex, you are stuck with a canon or nikon.
if digital is not a priority… Http://
The AE-1 is undeniably one of Canon's greatest cameras. This kit includes a 35mm lens, and if you are up for the challenge, the AE-1 will not disappoint. It's built like a tank, and you can find used FD mount lenses all over the internet (including at B&H's website)

The problem with Fujifilm is the lack of distinguishing nomenclature for their digital cameras. All of them were named Finepix. If I remember correctly, the dSLR lineup of Fujifilm is the S Pro series. They all used Nikon mount lenses, I think. What I'm sure of is that Fujifilm has stopped producing them already.
You may be better off with a secondhand Pentax dSLR. You can at least use old cheap manual film lenses with it and still get excellent results.