Nikon SLR Cameras

Can you define what my photos say about me?


I just started using my nikon DSLR a month ago but have always loved taking photos. A picture can often describe the photographer in many ways. I have viewed some photos on Flickr and have seen amazing photos. One person may take a photo of the sunset with his car and ask what do you think of this photo. Well the first thing that caught my eye was his car to be honest. Every picture has a meaning as to why the photographer chose that particular event or interest. My passion for photography has developed more now than ever so basically just wondering what can you see or say about me through my photos.

Mere Mortal
Mere Mortal

You like nature. You have a good eye for color.


It says that your a very average photographer, nothing was spectacular or caught my eye your collection is ho-hum sorry to say it but its the truth. You have potential but need to invest some more time learning photography.