Nikon SLR Cameras

Camera: Nikon or Canon?


What do you think is better? If someone is really into photography?


With cameras you get what you pay for so nikon

Arianna Mindless
Arianna Mindless

My mom is really into photography and she has a canon. It's takes AMAZING pictures


Nikon are fantastic and way easier to use that a cannon, I've used both and I love my nikon

Strange life
Strange life

I think Canon is better


Anyone who is 'really' into photography would know that the camera has very little influence in the end photo (the person using the camera is by far the most important factor in photography.) When it comes to camera bodies, use what feels good in your hands, has the features you want, has a good user interface for you (button layout ergonomics and menus are very subjective) and is compatible with any lenses you may already own.
At any given price-point the big two (Canon and Nikon) have very similar performance, neither is hands-down better than the other when comparing cameras at the same level (5d3 vs D800, or 1DX vs D4 for example.) Of course, there are also other brands you could consider, for example Pentax and Sony, Nikon and Canon are not the only manufacturers of cameras.
Hope that helps!


The camera is not what is important. I have shot and owned both systems at the pro level and I can make a living with either. You can't go wrong either way. At the pro level, today, Nikon makes a higher performance body with better low light capabilities. ANyone that says a brand is better than another is foolish. You pick the camera that suits your needs the best. I use Nikon right now. I think their optics are better at this time and I know their D4 is far superior to anything Canon offers for my style of photography. If you want a great entry level camera get the Nikon D3200. If you buy a Canon your pictures will not be better or worse, that is what you control.


I'd rather have Pentax.

Only stupid people even ask this question.


Sony Alpha is the best


Either one. Both make great cameras. Nothing to choose between them!