Best online site for used camera accesories?

I own a nikon d5300 and i want to buy a lens… Unfortunately i don't have a high budget. So is there any site or place where i could find USED but CHEAP camera lens?

If you know what you are doing, you can get good deals on eBay. I'm not very good at that so I would shop B&H, Amazon, Cameta.


You can search the data base on KEH, Adorama and B&H Photo used gear for such lenses.
Remember that you bought an entry level camera, so you will have to find Nikkor AF-S lenses if you want to be able to use auto-focus.
Another good source is your local camera shop that sells used gear as well a craigslist

Does this mean that you were stupid enough to buy the body without a lens, missing the opportunity to get the kit lens for less than half of what it would cost you separately new?

I built my entire M42 lens collection from them.