Nikon SLR Cameras

Best Nikon compact digital camera?


I'm getting a new camera, and I want to know which Nikon digital compact camera would be the best buy. I like taking artistic photos as well as just photos of my friends and family and I. Which camera would be the best for me?


The best Nikon Compact Camera is the new Coolpix P7100. The best buy Nikon is the Coolpix P7000, which is being replaced by the P7100. You can get the P7000 well under $400.

While it doesn't have the highest megapixel count or the longest zoom, they have the best of each for this type of camera. One thing the general public does not understand that both megapixels and zoom power - if overdone - can actually reduce image quality.

Anything above 10 megapixels in a compact camera begins to result in worse low-light performance, and anything above 7x in a zoom begins to have optical quality issues.

If you want the best images out of a compact camera, leave those 16Mp cameras with the 24x zooms cameras to those that don't know any better and buy one of the P7000 or P7100 high-end cameras.


Nikon is really a great brand for cameras. Maybe you would love to know more about the Nikon CoolPix P7000. Canon is great too.

Harry Carlin
Harry Carlin

Nikon coolpix is superb


I would highly recommend Nikon COOLPIX P300 12.2 CMOS Digital Camera. Its a great camera and takes absolutely beautiful photos and videos. I recommend you read the following user review:

I also found a link where you can buy it online:

Definitely check out this camera, it is one of the best digital cameras. I' sure you won't be disappointed.