Nikon SLR Cameras

Are these pictures good? Tell me what you think?


Are these pictures good Tell me what you think.

I used a nikon camera and I love doing photography, are they good?

Added (1). There seems to have been a problem with the first picture Hopefully you can see it here now


Yes those are nice pictures. You are good at photography! The light is pretty in that picture of the leaf!


I wasn't able to see the first picture but the last two were amazing, there beautiful! Keep up the good work!


You got skills girl! Those photographs are beautiful.


Photo one is interesting but there's not enough in focus to hold my attention and the bright spot in the upper right draws my eye away.

Photo two, also not enough DOF, very busy, no strong subject.

Photo three could have been the best in the lot but your focus is on the foreground with no depth of field once again and your horizon is totally crooked.

Your exposures are nice in all of them but I would suggest reading up on composition.

Jessica Rebecca Maltman
Jessica Rebecca Maltman

Very very nice! I like the second one the best! Really good.