Nikon SLR Cameras

What is better for DSLR camera: Nikon or Cannon?


Looking to take up photography. Looking for the pro's or con's of each camera. I'm an entry level photographer.

Bytemy ss
Bytemy ss


It's more of a personal preference. One is neither better nor worse than the other. It's the ten inches behind the viewfinder that matters.


No difference… But canon has more sales


Cannon is out because they shoot cannon balls.

Here is how the different dSLR camera sensors compare, head to head


I think both are same. But from my point of view Canon is better.
Now it's your own choice.


Cannon By Definitions -
(1) A large mounted piece of artillery
(2) A large, heavy gun formerly used in warfare
(3) An automatic gun on an aircraft
(4) An automatic heavy gun that fires shells from an aircraft or tank
(5) A cannon is any piece of artillery that uses gunpowder or other usually explosive-based propellants to launch a projectile. Cannon very in caliber, range, mobility, rate of fire, angle of fire, and firepower, different forms of cannon combine and balance these attributes in varying degrees, depending on their intended use on the battlefield.

The correct spelling is Canon
This type of question gets asked about which Camera Manufacture or Camera Model is better or recommended far too often.

It comes down to personal preference where some may like how Nikon feels in their hands or how the layout of the Nikon Cameras are. Vice Verse on Canon Cameras.

Nikon fans would be saying to get Nikon. Same thing with Canon Fans where they would be saying to get Canon.

So otherwise it all comes down to personal preference.


Both are great systems. Nikon has better performance in low light and in the higher end cameras, performance over all is superior. Can't go wrong either way. Get the nIkon D3200 and you will be very happy.

Crim Liar
Crim Liar

Flip a coin and see which way it comes up! It really does come down to personal preference, and don't rule out Sony or Pentax either. Personally as a bit of a tech head I shoot with a Sony SLT, it'll do everything the competition can - just easier.


They are pretty much the same, but canon has cheaper lenses. Nikon lens a just a little better built lenses, but both give the same good quality images.


Although I'm a Canon user, I would recommend getting a Nikon. The reason for that is the photo quality of a Nikon camera with a Nikon lens is brilliant. The camera and the lenses made by Nikon (even the entry level ones) are very solid and pretty well made unlike the Canon ones. The entry level Canon cameras are more plastic-like and I would say less durable.


You know two manufacturers and can't even spell one of them.

I wouldn't give house room to either - Pentax do the same job, Sony do better video and Olympus are smaller and lighter. Of course you have to be able to count beyond two.

Every cretin alive asks this question, maybe you should've searched before adding your name to the list of 162, 826 results and rising.


Neither and both!

They both make excellent cameras and lenses. As new models are introduced then one may temporarily have the slight edge until the competitor releases their new model but on overall balance they are equal.

It is down to personal choice. Whichever you buy, you will be delighted.

Don't limit your search to Canon and Nikon - look at Sony and Pentax too.

