Nikon SLR Cameras

What camera brand for DSLR cameras is better?


What camera brand for DSLR cameras is better? - 1


There are NO poorly made digital SLR cameras.

Some have longer histories than others so have more available used pieces that can be added to such a cameras system

There was a time when Nikon and Pentax ruled the world of photojournalism. Now that includes Nikon and Canon.

You need to determine what you expect from a digital SLR camera system that you may buy. To do this, you need to spend a whole lot of time visiting the websites of the companies that make digital SLR cameras, namely the Nikon, Pentax and Canon websites. Take good notes

When you have a list of three or four possible candidates you may want to purchase, visit DP Review and read the professional reviews of those cameras… This should narrow down your possible picks to two or three

When you visit, you can compare the sensor performance of your choices and further refine you choices.

By the time you visit a proper camera shop to hold those choices in your hands, you will probably know which is best for you… NOT us All are good. The best is Hasselblad. No matter, each has good things about them and faults in them Any of the modern makes. Canon, Nikon, Pentax, Sony. New account - asks vague question… Are you a troll?

A casual user vs an enthusiast vs a pro all have different requirements.

What are you going to do with the camera? Tell us your story/problem or we can't advise you. I'd say Pentax, some think the choice is between Canon and Nikon, and my brother swears by Sony.

If you own a bank, Hasselblad or Phase One are unbeatable.

The best camera for you, is the one you can afford, that feels right when you pick it up. All are good. Maybe 50-cents.


All are good. The best is Hasselblad.


No matter, each has good things about them and faults in them


Any of the modern makes. Canon, Nikon, Pentax, Sony.

Grumpy Mac
Grumpy Mac

New account - asks vague question… Are you a troll?

A casual user vs an enthusiast vs a pro all have different requirements.

What are you going to do with the camera? Tell us your story/problem or we can't advise you.


I'd say Pentax, some think the choice is between Canon and Nikon, and my brother swears by Sony.

If you own a bank, Hasselblad or Phase One are unbeatable.

The best camera for you, is the one you can afford, that feels right when you pick it up.

I Hate Clowns
I Hate Clowns

All are good.

Jim A
Jim A

Maybe 50-cents.