Nikon SLR Cameras

Which brand is better when its come to DSLR cameras? Nikon, Sony or Canon?

Kim H
Kim H

Which brand is better when its come to DSLR cameras? Nikon, Sony or Canon?

Jim A
Jim A

I favor Canon because of their long record of making quality equipment used around the world for decades.

I own two Canon dslr cameras and they're a both excellent. Nuff said.


All the three brands you mentioned makes good DSLRs. You need to know what your priorities are to decide the one to buy. Read up on reviews which list the strength and weaknesses of each of the brand. You may not come to any conclusion on which is the best after reading the reviews and the reason is that there's no one brand that is the best.

George Y
George Y

Sony is fine, but limited in scope. If you search the usual sources (B&H Photo & Video, Adorama, Ritzcamera, Amazon, etc) you'll find fewer lens choices from the original manufacturer and 3rd party suppliers for Sony than you'll find for Nikon & Canon.

If you look a the sidelines of college or professional sporting events, and at the press photographers at any major news event, you'll see Nikon or Canon. National Geographic? People Magazine? Time? Again, most of the images that you admire will be Nikon or Canon.

In the hands of a skill photographer, you'll get equal quality from any DSLR system. But the one that is best for you, is the ones that fits you. Fits your hands, fits your style, fits your photographic needs.

The best way is to go to a camera shop and handle different cameras in your price/feature range. After all, you wouldn't buy a car without a test drive, would you?

Personally I shoot Nikon. But much of that comes from the Nikon lenses I've had for decades that I've been able to use on all my Nikon bodies. I've shot with and still own Nikon D50, D70, D200, & D300 cameras. They've never failed me.

But, one of my brother shoots with a Sony A100, another uses a Canon XT, and a third shoots with a Nikon D90. We each swear by our choices - and that's what they are - choices. What is "better" is relative, even among relatives.