Nikon SLR Cameras

Someone who knows about cameras


Please help! I'm going to buy a nice digital camera but I know nothing about them, from my research I'm thinking a canon is the best brand or maybe even a Nikon? I want something that can take really good professional type pictures but only want to spend a couple hundred dollars, what type of camera should I get? Also is it better to buy it brand new or would it be ok to buy a used one from eBay?


The camera doesn't take 'really good professional type pictures', the photographer does. Any entry level camera from a reputable manufacturer would be a good start for you.


I have the Nikon CoolPix L810 and I LOVE IT!
I got it for around $300 back in July, but stores are probably having Holiday sales so youll probably be able to get is cheaper.

16.1 mega pixels
26x wide-angle optical zoom
3.0" Ultra-High-Resolution
HD 720p video with sound

(And it allows you to take 3D pictures! Which I think it wicked cool)