Nikon SLR Cameras

Looking for someone to critique my photography?


I'm seventeen years old, and I've been taking a class on photography for about four months now. I'm definitely still an amateur, and I know that, but do you think that I show some promise? And do you have any advice as to what I could improve on?

here's my blog - I'm seventeen years old, and I've been taking a class on photography for about four months now. I'm definitely still an amateur, and I know that, but do you think that I show some promise? And do you have any advice as to what I could improve on?

I'm still using a point and shoot at the moment, so most of the pictures you see on here are taken with that. However, a few are taken with a Nikon D90 that I borrowed, and the ones that are should be marked. About half have been edited through Photoshop.

And yes, if you're wondering, I did already ask this question, but I didn't end up with the answers I was looking for because I worded it incorrectly XP


Wow you are amazing, what camera do you use? You should edit those get a better camera I own a 550D!

Sucks huh? Sometimes we're just mean, but it's always more useful than the gushers.

I'd like to see more substance in your pictures. The Zoro fortune teller thing is kinda funky and the gas station is pretty neat but why do they need to be photographed? What does having them recorded do for or against the world as we know it? Do they inspire awe at the vast beauty of nature? Do they tell a story that main stream media doesn't have the time to tell? Do they show us a year in small town America, the kind of place we thought was lost? Does it get to the bottom of the real Liz Taylor? Does it…

I don't see much of a purpose in too many of your photos. They are just neat things, hanging around. I think that's what you need to work on. Don't take the pictures you see. Take the pictuers the viewer will see.

Thruthelenz Photography
Thruthelenz Photography

Don't worry about camera too much.dSLR does give you more control etc but focus on having fun, enjoying it, and focus on what you want you pictures to show/tell/end up being. Best to have a high quality "idea" behind your photos taken with a point and shoot, than a high quality image from a dSLR that lacks creativity/boring idea.

I started out with a coolpix 2100 2MP camera(yours is surely better) and the images i took with that are still really good, image quality isn't that big of a deal. I use a Pentax K10d now, mainly so i can use different lenses eg 1:1 macro, wide wide angle, zoom lenses for low light situations etc but also for a few other features that make controlling settings easier such as thumb wheel dials for exposure/aperture (not through menus).

You can view my work if you're interested at


I like em! It's kinda hard to critique since you are using a point and shoot & framing is good.
I can't tell whether you show some promise or not, your work is not something I've never seen before but it doesn't mean its bad.