Pointing Camera At Sun?

I bought a Nikon L840 and I like taking pics of the sun, is it bad for the camera?

According to my knowledge, you can possibly damage the sensor because the lens creates a spot on the sensor, just like the way you burn paper using a magnifying lens

Pointing a live view camera such as yours will damage the sensor if viewing midday sun. It will overheat the sensor and create dark squiggles on your images if the sensor is sun burnt. I have seen this issue on a few point & shoot cameras which made the owners very unhappy.
If taking pictures when the sun is low to the horizon (sunrise or sunset), this is generally safe for your camera.
If you want to take pictures of the midday sun, use a solar filter made by Baader. It is relatively inexpensive. I would use their OD5 AstroSolar Safety Film. I use this for taking pictures of solar eclipses, transits, and sunspots.

Digital sensors aren't good enough to shoot the mid-day sun. What you'll get is a flat white streak across the picture. Taking pictures of the sun during sunrise or sunset is okay.
Pointing the lens directly at the strong sun for prolonged times may damage the camera. The lens amplifies the strength of the sun's heat frying the innards of your camera.