Nikon SLR Cameras

Nikon AF-S 85mm 1.8F. Opinions?


Ok cool… Look like I'm liking this lens. I have read reviews and its a nice portrait lens which is affordable. I aopreciate the DC NIkkor lens are much better but will save for one of those in the future. This lens looks affordable and if decent quality… I want clarity and blur etc (I understand there are better but this ine is under 400 quid). I have the standard 18-55mm which came with my dc3100 and boy oh boy it has some brill results. I have already won a few competition… But as a beginner I'm hoping for your personal opinions on this lens. The standard lens I have gets lovely and close but doeant have the shallow depth of field capabilities and clarity of that I have seen of a canon.thoughts? Xx


Great lens. Perfect for what you want it for. If you like the kit lens, you're going to LOVE this one.


On a cropped sensor DSLR like your D3100 an AF-S 50mm f1.8 lens makes a better portrait lens. On a full frame DSLR the 85mm makes a good portrait lens but not so much on your camera.

Nikon lenses are classified as DX (NOT DC) for cropped sensor cameras like yours and FX for full-frame cameras like the D600, D700, D800, D3 and D4 models.

For portraits buy the AF-S 50mm f1.8 lens.

deep blue2
deep blue2

Cracking lens. Ideal for portraits and street work. I have one - shots I've taken with it;