Nikon SLR Cameras

Nikkor 16-85 or Tamron 17-50?


Which one takes sharper photos and has a better IQ? I really like to have f2.8 from the Tamron, but i also like the zoom on Nikon lens. Would you prefer the f2.8 over the zoom?


The Nikkor is the better lens

Joe Schmo Photo
Joe Schmo Photo

Easy answer, Nikon 16-85 VR. What you lose in maximum aperture, you'll make up for with VR because you won't gain much with f/2.8 in that lens. If it's that important, you can find a used Nikon 17-55mm 2.8 for $900. I would not recommend either Sigma or Tamron's 17-50 2.8 zooms. I've used them both and I eventually returned them both. I own the 16-85 VR and it's a superior lens. While the reason most people consider those lenses as alternatives to "name-brand" is price, it really isn't worth the savings in the long run. Trust me.