Nikon SLR Cameras

Video On Nikon D7000?


Someone told on nikon d7000 can't shoot slow motion video, by the way i watched some slow motion videos on youtube use nikon nikon d7000… I'm confused

Mmm J
Mmm J

Standard frame rate capture in NTSC land is 30 frames per second or in PAL land is 25 frames per second. 24 frames per second capture is to attempt to mimic film camera capture becasue that is about the point where any slower and the film capture looks stroby. Remember, this is not a film camera - but a digital still image capture device. "Slow motion video" happens one of two ways…

1) When the video capture happens, the frame rate is high. Anywhere from 60 to 10, 000 frames per second. When played back at standard 30 fps or 25 fps, slow motion is viewed.

2) Capture video at standard 30 fps or 25 fps, then use a video editor to slow things down. Any slower than about 1/2 the capture speed and the video "jumps from frame to frame.

Read the manual for the Nikon D7000
This is a dSLR. It is designed to capture still images. Video is a secondary convenience feature. Start on page 57. File size limitation (58). Built in mic recording noisy lens - use an external mic (57). Flicker, banding or distortion under certain lighting conditions (page 59). Overheating during video capture shutting down the camera until it has cooled enough (page 59). Thre's more - but you can read the manual.

Do not confuse "slow motion video" with "burst capture" (pressing the shutter button causes multiple still images to be captured). Do not confuse frame rate during video capture with shutter speed.

Page 313 shows the various frame rates… None are higher than 30 frames per second.So… Yeah, the Nikon D7000 can't capture slow motion video. Whomever told you that is 100% correct.


D7000 maximum frame rate is 30 fps. You can't directly make a slow motion clip by reducing the frame rate.

However, the first link tells the secret. He is using 25 fps and post processing the video in Twixtor. Twixtor is a motion estimation program which allows you to create synthetic slow motion videos. It is taking your normal frames and creating extra frames and interpolating the moving objects. It is not the same as a true slo-mo video which the source material is using over 100 fps.

If you want to play with synthetic slow-mo, you can use VirtualDub and AVIsynth.
You need to understand video terms to use these programs, however, everything is free and these programs/filters can produce professional quality video streams.