Nikon SLR Cameras

Would you buy a nikon fe or fm?


I'm thinking about getting one. I have only used an fe and I really like it. The light meter is straightforwards and the auto setting for shutter is nice. I know that the fm doesn't have this but it also doesn't need batteries. It seems the fm runs for a little bit more which seems a little bit weird. Maybe there are just fewer. Anyways, which camera do you prefer and why? Also, what does the light meter on the fm look like? Is it like the fe or is it closer to the f2 (along the bottom and a plus and minus instead of which shutter you should use) Thanks!


You can't go wrong with either of them really. Both are fantastic cameras. I would personally go with the fe because of the aperture priority feature.


I bought a Nikon FE when they first came out (like 30 years ago) and it was one of the best film cameras I ever bought. I still own it but never use it. I converted to digital 10 years ago and never looked back.