Nikon SLR Cameras

Why is this such a good deal?

Easton Green
Easton Green

how is this only 1099 when all other sites say 1200-1299?

Added (1). It doesn't say anything about being refurbished it says new and 1 year warranty?

Added (2). Ok thanks i just don't get how anything could go wrong with them?
can't someone sue them then?


Might be Refurbished or Repackaged if still under warranty.


A quick google search about the company shows several complaints about bait and switch techniques. The camera is cheap on that website because it is a scam.


I have never heard of that company, so I really can't judge them.
However, I DO know that many companies are shonky. They make it sound really good and appear to have a good price. Then, when people have bought/ordered their camera, they find out that suddenly a bunch of things that are normally included (such as the battery charger, for example) are suddenly extra.

So they phone those companies, who then puts the hard sell on them, basically forcing them to buy very overpriced items that should have been included in the first place. In the end, the customers pay more than with reputable dealers, and/or never end up getting what they thought they had bought.

In my opinion, unless you have had several positive reviews from people you know, I'd say stick with a reputable company that is well known.


Sue them where?
They hide behind a privacy protection service.


Here is a good test

Look at the memory 8 gb card they are selling for $99.It says it is ultra-high speed. But no Class number is listed. Ultra high peed would be a Class 10

Now look at a 8 gb memory card sold at a reputable electronics shop. It is a Class 10 and costs under $10

Are you so naive that you do not understand that there are people out there trying to scam you? If the price does not fall into the same prices charged by authorized Nikon dealers, then it is too good to be true. Period.

Guest was formerly At this site - - it shows with a 7.64 out of a possible 10. One reviewer was totally honest - he said that ajrichie offered him a free tripod IF he wrote a positive review. In my world that's bribery. Who knows how many other "positive" reviews were the result of similar bribery? My instinct tells me to avoid this site. Here are three sites I completely trust:

B&H - 9.82 rating.

KEH - 9.63 rating.

ADORAMA - 9.6 rating.