Nikon SLR Cameras

Which type of camera?


Ok so i want to buy a camera that has a very clear images like those photoshoot pictures what kind of cameras are they? For ex: Canon, Nikon?


Most likely any SLR or DSLR cameras, just google them. They're expensive though.


Check out this blog, it listed the top rated and affordable cameras to buy:

or waterproof cameras:

Pearls Before Swine
Pearls Before Swine

Most likely you want a DSLR camera, which is a professional camera with good optics. But almost any type of camera can take very clear images as long as it's a good camera with a lot of megapixels.


You are referring to a DSLR. The thing you have to realize is that photography is roughly 70% photographer skill/experience, 20% lens quality, and 10% camera body.

The entry level (beginner) DSLRs (with a "kit" lens) start around $550
The semi-professional DSLRs (no lenses included) start around $1700 and
The professional grade DSLRs (no lenses included) start around $4000+.

Both Nikon and Canon make good cameras.

The best thing for you to do is to go to an actual camera shop (not an electronics store). You need to hold/handle/try the different brands and models in your budget to see what feels comfortable to you, and that you can find/use the controls easily. I chose Canon for its ergonomics and menu layout while a fellow photog chose Nikon for the same reason.


Get a DSLR camera. Although they're a little expensive, especially if you want a really good one, they are definitely worth the price! But note that to get those sort of professional looking images, good lighting is required, so don't expect too much if you don't get what you want.

For a start, I suggest you look at review sites and you can see the top rated cameras for both digital cameras and digital SLRs.
I use this site for reviews:

Flip Dude
Flip Dude

They called SLR camera, digital SLR camera or DSLR camera. SLR means Single len reflex. You should get:
- Canon T2i
- Nikon D3100
- Nikon D5100
these are a bit expensive but they take very nice picture but there are camera that are "hybrid", they are like half normal digital camera and half SLR camera like the Sony NEX cameras


I love the Nikon COOLPIX S6100. The quality of the pictures are great and takes close-ups of our flowers. I only had the camera for a week and happened to look at the lens, it had dirt or something inside the lens. I look it back to Walmart to exchange and the second camera also had things inside the lens. We traveled to another town and another business only to find their s6100 also have dirt, lent, or something inside the lens. I'm wondering if all these camera are like this. I do love the camera but think this will soon show up on the pictures. Please check into this problem and they all might need to be recalled.