Nikon SLR Cameras

Which Nikon lenses to have totally confused? - 1


Is it better to have 18-105 mm lens or have (18-55 and 70-300mm ) together

Nikon Dtwohundred
Nikon Dtwohundred

It depends… What are you shooting and where?

If you are on travel, you do not want the hassle of lugging around two lens, and having to change them back and forth, and worry about the dust on your sensor.

But when you are shooting sports, you will want to only use the 70-300 to get a longer reach.


It's depends on what kind of photos do you shoot. Over all 18-105mm is a versatile lense that gives you a good image quality for amateur. Take a look at this site that show you some samples from this lense or the other lenses.

If you shoot low light / portrait maybe you may consider Nikon 50mm f1.8 and 35mm F1.8 DX. Both lenses working greats under low light condition and the prices are very reasonable. Try to search these two lenses from the site above. I'm sure you may find out more and know what you looking. Hopes this help you.

With regards,
Gareth Choo

Ckystudio - Malaysia


You certainly have me confused.

Until we know what subjects you intend to shoot, we can't help you

Landscapes and travel? 10-24 mm wide angle

General travel and some wildlife? 18-200 mm VR Zoom

Serious field sports and wildlife? 200-400 mm zoom

Please tell use what you need and someone should be able to help you