Nikon SLR Cameras

I'm confused about changing lenses with cameras?


This is the camera i'm getting:

So if i wanted, i could buy, lets say this lens:

And it would fit fine?

Could I just buy any nikon lens? Help!

I'm only 13 but i undderstand the ropes of photography, but changing lenses, i'm lost.


All Nikkor AF-S lenses fit just fine on all Nikon dSLR cameras including your D3100 as well as the top of the line D3X


The answer is very simple. Any Nikon lens will fit on your D3100 camera body, even the really old ones. However, only lenses with the "AF-S" designation can auto-focus on the D3100. The 35mm lens you are looking to get will be fine.


Don't get a mess with lenses. If you're buying a Nikon camera, get a Nikon lens. If the body is digital, get a digital lens. Wich one? As the others know probably better than me, they will suggest. Cameras use to come with a zoom kit. If other I would prefer a 50


Nikon's modern cameras use what is called the "Nikon F-mount." You can use any lens that's designed for that mount on a D3100. A big advantage of choosing Nikon is how many lenses they have that use that mount. It's one of the largest systems in existence.

Like others have said already, if you want to use autofocus you need to use AF-S lenses. They will work with the D3100 because they have autofocus motors built into them.AF lenses do not have motors built into them, so they need a camera body that has an autofocus motor in it to autofocus.AF lenses ARE compatible with the mount on the D3100, and they will work with it just fine. You just need to focus them manually because the camera can't do it.

Here is a link to Nikon's current line of lenses so you can see what's currently available. All of these will work with the D3100.