Which lens to buy next?

I'm a natural light photographer who specializes in family, senior, child, and engagement photography. I currently own a 50 1.8 and a 24-70 (both nikon). I'm looking to get a new one… What would you suggest?

I recommend a 135 f/2 dc it specializes in portraiture and head shots.
In my opinion, if you don't know what lens you want, you don't really need it. I suggest treating lens as tools, a means to an end.
It seems like you feel like you need something to improve your photos, what is it? Once you can nail that down, you'll know exactly what you 'need.'

Go to best buy they can help way better

Only you can make that choice.
Take a look at this website to see what each focal length lens "sees"

If you want something versatile then the next logical choice would be the 70-200mm f/2, 8 VR.
If you want a fix focal length, the logical choice would be: 85mm - 105mm (macro) could be useful for engagement or eyes close up etc. - 135mm.