Next lens to buy for camera?

IWhat lens should I get nex I have a nikon d5000 and I only have the original 55mm. Now I want something that's all around for now. I'm looking for a 100mm with an f2.8 or anything let than 4. I take portraits but I would also like to take sports pics so I need the zoom. My budget is 500$

Take a look at the Nikon website and see what lenses fall into your budget and focal length needs.
You can use the 105 mm f/2.8 macro lens, but on a cropped sensor camera like your fine D5000, it is too long for shooting portraits. The best lens for that would be either your 18-55 mm, an AF-S 50 mm f/1.4 or AF-S 24-70 mm f/2.8 zoom.
For shooting sports, the zoom you would want is either the AF-S 18-200 mm VR or perhaps the AF-S 70-200 mm f/2.8 (a little too long for portraits, but usable) or my favorite, the AF-S 200-400 mm f/4
The problem is that none of those, but the AF-S 50 mm f/1.4 are in the $500 price range of your budget

I absolutely love my 50mm f/1.8
and it was only like $130