Nikon SLR Cameras

Which is better Nikon or Cannon?


I'm looking into getting a new camera. I love photography so want something more advanced. An upgrade from my old point and shoot olympus. But which brand is better? Cannon has the dslr rebel and nikon has the j1. I would like to be able to capture moving objects as clear as possible without any blur. And still be a able to capture still shots.

I'm open to any other suggestions just as long as it has interchangeable lenses


*Canon. They're both good cameras, but I think you might be a little happier with the canon, most people can't even tell the diference in quality though.


They're pretty much equal, if your considering quality pictures you can't go wrong with either one.
Lenses are pretty much standardized so you should have no problems

Moving objects are tricky you need an adjustable shutter speed and to position your self where the speed is less noticeable, then sometimes its advantageous to let a little blurring to occur for dramatic effect.

Get a couple of books of photography while your at it.

Vinegar Taster
Vinegar Taster

Buy a Hasselblad. They're heads over Nikon / Canon.

Jim A
Jim A

Ah… The same old question and the same old answers and people who don't know how to spell…
it's Canon. A cannon is for fighting wars, Canon is a camera company.

There's no "better" with these two companies. Do some research and you'll find that out.