Which DSLR for university?

I'm going to be studying Photography next year and would like to upgrade my camera. I have owned a Canon 450D for a few years now, but would like to upgrade before my course starts.
I have been looking at the Canon 70D, 7D and 6D models. I like the 6D as it is full frame and is said to perform well in low light conditions however it is the most expensive of these (I would definitely have to buy it second hand, though this is fine).
My budget is around £1000 though is slightly flexible as I do have a year to save. I have seen used Canon 6Ds go for £1200-£1300 on eBay with 24-105mm f/4 L IS lens kit. Is this a good deal or should I go for a cheaper model and be able to afford extras such as a flash/extra lens also?
What model will I be expected to have at degree level? Ideally I would like to spend as little as possible but also want to make sure that I have a camera suitable for the 3 year course.
P.S. I'm sticking with Canon as I'm familiar with it and have lenses already that I would like to keep!

I doubt that there will be any assignments that your current 450D can't handle.
I would be more interested in buying additional glass and before I did that, I would want to spend some time in class. Do the assignments require a wide angle lens like the new Canon EF-S 10-18 mm? Do the assignments seem to require longer lenses like the Canon 55-250 mm.
I would set your £1000 aside and keep saving your pennies until you actually start school.
I hope you know that if you do choose to buy a full frame camera like the 6D, NONE of your Canon EF-S lenses can be used with it. Full frame Canon cameras can only use EF lenses, so keep that in mind when you make your final choice of camera you will be using throughout your photographic education.
In reality, ANY dSLR will get you through school. Whether you use your 450D for the next four years or jump up and spend £4800 for a Canon 1D X, neither will guarantee good grades in your classes.
I sold a 12 year old 6 mp Nikon D100 to an art student and he is producing high quality, marketable images routinely.
Here are two shots taken with that camera a number of years ago.
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Your 450D can produce the same quality images. It has twice the number of pixels than the D100 and exactly the same number that my current D300 and D3 cameras have. Both cameras are used by me to shoot assignments for a diverse number of clients.
Bottom line?
Keep your camera and prepare yourself to buy more lenses, Canon EF lenses if you intend to eventually buy any of the full frame Canon cameras
When it comes to shooting in low light, spend some time on this link
This link compares your 450D with the Canon 6D sensor performance. I have included the Nikon D610, the entry level Nikon full frame camera as a comparison.
Once you enter school an have an opportunity to talk to your instructors, you will have a much better idea of how to spend your money on a camera system you will be married to for the next decade or so.

I would look at Nikon cameras as Cannon products need updating - plus cannon lenses tend to stop working after a couple of years - good luck with your studies.
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