When are DSLRs and mirrorless cameras going to catch up with smartphones, smartwatchs, and laptops?

When will they start working with phone services and Android technology to offer network connections and photo editing and sharing apps?
I know Samsung did it a while back, but, come on, it was a Samsung. The camera was weak. When is Canon, Nikon, and Sony going to do it?

I hope they Never do,
because a serious camera should be a CAMERA,
not a Swiss Army knife - style mishmash of gadgetry.
All those other functions you like can be used
after the images from the camera have been processed.

They most likely don't see a need or financial benefit in it. They already have the options of connecting to devices so the photos can immediately be sent to a phone or tablet for editing and sharing if needed.
Camera manufacturers tend to work from the top down. They develop technology for the top of the line cameras which eventually trickles down to the lower end as new technologies are developed.
There's probably almost zero market for a person spending thousands of dollars on a camera body (not to mention a lot more on lenses) to be able to edit and share photos on the camera body. First off, you'd have to have some way of actually holding and interfacing the camera for that function which would be difficult from the user end in a current configuration (and there really isn't much room for a dramatic change to a DSLR design as the lens placement and balance of the camera drive it.

If I need to I can use an SD card that also wirelessly connects to my phone. Some DSLRs do this already. I can also hook up various ways to trigger my DSLR if I wish. There's enough connectivity there already - if you know how to use it!

As a photographer myself and a Canon enthusiast, I think you are quite wrong. I'm easily able to link it to my phone and PC using Canon Camera Connect. Plus most of the new cameras have Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and NFC connectivity along with easy cloud links. I don't think most photographers require more than this currently.

You mean like Nikon's Snapbridge I have on my phone that I can use to view and download images directly from my dslr?
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