Nikon SLR Cameras

In your opinion, are Nikon or Canon cameras better?


I have saved up money for a new camera, and I can't decide if I want a Nikon D90 or a Canon Rebel T1i. So I would just like your opinions on these, and how do they compare in terms of ease of use? I need something I can figure out pretty quick if I don't know something when I get it. And if you have any pictures you have taken with either camera, that would be great also. If you have better suggestions, I would like to stay in the 700-900 price range for body only.


Canon, always. If you'll notice, on All forums, Canon users say that Canon's a lot better; and Nikon users say "both companies are equal or one of them wouldn't have survived for so long."
That's the answer right there.

I'd really recommend the Canon 550D (Rebel T2i), since I have one and it beats EVERYTHING below the 7D (including the T3i).
If it's out of your budget, get the recently launched T3 (1100D).It's brilliant for the price, even if it's a bit plain and light. It's got incredible features and quality. And Canon makes the best prime lenses as well.

While the T1i does have a lot of features, it's not really the best camera for plain image quality.