Nikon SLR Cameras

What you think abuout Nikon 1 J1 for portraits work?

Sezar m
Sezar m

Hi, i'm thinking to buy the nikon 1 j1 to use it only for human portraits photos, they sell it in saudi arabia for just 350 US dollar which is a lot cheaper than the official price that listed in nikon website, i can't afford more than 350 USD for camera this why i choose it and because i read good reviews about it, i'm not professional photography but all i want is camera that takes portraits like professional photos that we see in TV and models photos, so my question is, i read that it's sennsoz size is smaller than other 4/3 micro cameras but when i see the comparing in snapsort website i read that the nikon takes better photos quality than many of 4/3 cameras like
Olympus PEN E-PM1
Olympus PEN E-PM2
and also compared to Panasonic lumix gf1 and lumix gf2 and lumix gf3 which they have larger sensors, it still says that the nikon j1 takes better quality compared to all these cameras.
you can see example for comparing
so is this true? How it is possible smaller sensor takes better images than larger sensors? And what you think about the camera? Can it take professional portraits?

Jim A
Jim A

I don't know what folks are used to there but here in the states if I showed up to a portrait shoot with a toy like this camera I'd be laughed off the set. People here, who do portraits for a living, have real cameras, the Canon 5d Mk3, cameras like that… Not toys like this Nikon.

If you like Nikon they have excellent equipment also but don't buy a toy to do a real camera's work.

Masticina Akicta
Masticina Akicta

Can it take portraits? Yes!

Will it look like the professional setup with a big full frame body, expensive pro lens, big studio lighting? Nope

But as they say in photography where there's a will there's a way. And with the Nikon J1 you certainly, combined with the right lens, can get some great shots.

Now due to the smaller sensor it will have a natural deeper DOF, Dept of Field. This means more is sharp, this is why compact cameras have so much sharp while big full frame cameras really can make lovely soft backgrounds. Even APS-C [crop] sensor bodies have a nice bit of shallow DOF with the right lens.

So with the J1 it will be harder to get enough shallowness.


First, the Nikon 1 series of cameras have no relation to the 4/3 format used by Olympus and Panasonic. The sensor of the Nikon 1 cameras measures 13.2mm x 8.8mm; a 4/3 sensor measures 17.3mm x 13.0mm; a Sony, Pentax or Nikon DSLR sensor measures 23.4mm x 15.6mm.

Second, I wouldn't put a lot of credibility in reviews at Snapsort.

If you want to take portraits get a proper Sony, Pentax, Nikon or Canon DSLR and a 50mm f1.8 lens and an off-camera flash unit. It would help to take a couple of photography classes.

John P
John P

That is not a professional camera and as others say it would look very odd to be seen using such a basic camera for pro portraits.

Ideally you need a DSLR (similar price to the PEN series etc) with a suitable lens, say 50mm f1.8.