Nikon SLR Cameras

What should I do. I want a camera?


I want to get a Nikon camera because I love taking pictures. I'm not rich at all but the camera I want is expensive as f***. I'm 14 and probably to young for a job and my dad might give me like 20 $ towards it but I want to save up but I never receive money. I look to young to babysit and I don't think I could because I live in a bad neighborhood. Dog sitting isn't such a good idea. My mom has money but she won't give me any. We live in like a big house next to an ostrich farm but even if I do yard work she doesn't care. If I can't afford I Nikon camera I want to get a good quality one. Any suggestions on how to earn money?


Ever think about getting a film camera? If you can handle using fully manual, you can get a film camera with a nice 50mm lens for $100 on eBay. If this sounds interesting, look at the Pentax K1000 on eBay. Good film camera that won't break the bank


If you can't see beyond Nikon, what's the point?

There are many ways to earn money, and I'm sure there are shops or cafes in your area that could use an extra pair of hands, especially with the summer coming in.


With no money it is hard for you to set your sights too high. So let me recommend what you should be looking for in your first camera, which may cost as little as $100 new! Used? A lot less.
Try and get a camera with a 5x (that's 5 times magnification) zoom lens. A camera with only a 3x zoom lens is a waste of money in my opinion. Buy from a reputable camera shop even mail order with B & H, or Adorama. I would query them with their "chat" feature first. They really reserve their 800 numbers for orders only. I would look into Fuji, or Olympus, these are fairly priced cameras while Nikon & Canon are among the highest. I would stay away from Sony as they don't back their products as well.

Getting a job is tough and you have to think how can I fill a need in the community (even rural) and get paid for it!

Good Luck! 1-800-854-5575 1-800-223-2500