Nikon SLR Cameras

What should I ask for Christsmas 2011 (I'm a girl)?


Ok so my mom was diagnosed with a type of heart disease so our budget has been low these couple of months. My parents are divorced and I was thinking of not asking for anything but my mom insisited. I have: android, nikon camera, t.v, lots of makeup, books. I was thinking of asking for a Macbook Pro 13 inch with my student discount (1, 100). I really do need a new laptop, my keyboard is broken so is the mouse, the battery is horrible(it has to be plugged in for it to turn on) and its OLD. (2008)acer which sucks. There's also this band trip to boston were having in the spring. My teacher said it was around 950-1000 there's also an 8th grade trip(80). I don't knoww. I don't have lots of going out clothes, but there's going to be almost no dresscode at suncoast(high school i'm applying for) so that can wait(it will be part of my school clothes) i don't know what to ask for! Sorry for making this long i just need some opinions. 10 pts


Clothes or shoes… Or both


You don't sound like you have a low budget… Private highschool, android, nice camera, tons of clothes, your own TV… Ask for something for charity.nobody NEEDS a laptop


You could ask for a laptop, but it doesn't have to be the most expensive one? Apple laptops would be annoying, especially for a student, as apple requires different software so microsoft would be awkward to get hold of. I would recommend a laptop or netbook that is fast but because it is small it won't be as expensive. If you are looking for clothes check out topshop or river island, they are really nice! Ask for a mouse and keyboard and a netbook, or clothes.