Nikon SLR Cameras

What's some accessories I can put on my (sniper) rifle?


I have a savage 308 with accu trigger and floating barrel. I currently have a stock elastic bullet holder, bipod, sling, and Nikon scope. What's some more things I can add robot to make it look or maybe even shoot better?

Nick from Texas
Nick from Texas

Get a foot massager attachment and the Gary Coleman grill attachment.


Why do you
Want a sniper rifle. It's fine on COD but in real life it's not normal. My 303 with do fine sniping with the addition of a scope but I'm not going to go and snipe because I can. 200 yards is not a safe distaff to shoot.


Sniper rifle…

If your not a sniper then its not a snipers rifle…

anyways --- Purchase a decent grade of ammo…

Ink the 2nd
Ink the 2nd

Cup holder.every "sniper" rifle needs a cup holder


What you should Really do is find a way to mount a set of iPod speakers on a Picatinny rail. That would make you an uber 1337 sn1p3r and you'd get headshots from 300 miles away. Everyone knows that a good video game has to have a good soundtrack, or it's not a good game.

The Freak Show
The Freak Show

To me the last thing that really makes a tactical bolt-gun look cool is an aftermarket stock. Not only does it look cool, but it's actually functional. It's not a bolt-gun but my AR varmint rifle has a very cool billet aluminum and fiberglass adjustable stock with a weight that balances out the heavy fluted barrel. It looks good and it makes the rifle even better to shoot.


We told you yesterday, 4th grader, you do not have a "sniper rifle".
Now, go in your dad's room and look for his playboys, it might trigger puberty for you.


Diaper bag and a compartment for some wet wipes, little one.

Irv S
Irv S

How about a recoil operated automatic nose picker?

I Forgot My Name
I Forgot My Name

Good lord kid how many times do we have to tell you to stop playin with guns. YOU DON't KNOW WHAT YOUR DOIN BECAUSE YOU PLAY VIDEO GAMES. That being said put your dads gun back in the case and stick to what you do know.


Here's some ideas!
&w=400&h=301&ei=EQ4bUKy6KKLs0gGGnIH4Bw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=331&vpy=150&dur=1133&hovh=195&hovw=259&tx=126&ty=72&sig=102779525355174111080&page=1&tbnh=140&tbnw=192&start=0&ndsp=19&ved=1t:429, r:1, s:0, i:75

btw thats not a sniper rifle. Good HUNTING rifle but not a sniper rifle.


You will have to attach a sniper to the rifle if you want it to be a sniper's rifle.

Lost Fisherman
Lost Fisherman

You don't have a sniper rifle. You can't afford one. You have a hunting rifle that is not capable of sniper rifle accuracy after the first 3 shots, and is completely incapable of sniper rifle reliability or performance.

You're already as equipped as it makes sense for this rifle. Anything else you add simply adds unnecessary weight and complexity.