Can some professionals give me some tips? On my photos?

I'm only 17 years old and plan on doing photography as a career. I hardly edit my photos, and I own a Nikon D90
Thanks in advance!
Added (1). I have only been doing this for less than a year, so I'm not considering myself a professional for a while, I really want to improve. And I hope by the end of the summer to purchase a Nikon D200

You have begun to put together a nice portfolio. My biggest complaint would be that you are blowing out the exposures and losing details in the skin. Also, many of them have dead eyes; I would suggest learning to use a fill flash. You are progressing nicely and the fact that you are seeking improvement says a lot.

Don't have time to say more other than you're pretty good. You have a good eye. Keep it up and always keep learning.

There are some nice compositions BUT…
Most of your photos are over-saturated. You said you don't edit your photos? They look horribly over-edited. I'm guessing you're using the "vivid" color setting on your camera? Stop doing that.
Update - Why on earth would you buy a D200? The 200 is a 2006 model, you 90 is an 08 model…
Keep the 90 - instead of worrying about what equipment to buy, you should be reading photography books and practicing.