What kind of film should I use to get this look?

I just found a Nikon N60 at my parents house and took it to start using it to get more into film photography. Over the past 2 years or so, I've been doing digital photography, but I just love the look of film and want to get back to that. I don't really know anything about film photography other than the pictures I used to take growing up with the film I bought from the grocery store. A friend has a Canon FP and I love the pictures he gets. I know that is a much more vintage camera than the Nikon N60, but will I able to get that same look with film? To get pictures like these

A vintage camera will NOT produce images based upon how old it is, since unlike digital cameras, the technology (or lack thereof) is in the film. What that means is my old Leica IIIc (circa 1940) will produce exactly the same quality images that my Nikon F4 (circa 1988) will when using the identical film.
The three images you gave us show some things.
1) the first shot was of a backlit group of people and the film was underdeveloped for whatever reason giving the print that very flat look. The white scratches show that the print emulsion was damaged before it was scanned
2) The second shot has much more to do with composition than the camera or film used by the photographer
3) The third is another backlit shot but this time a film like Kodak Tri-X, pushed to around 1200 or 1600 ISO caused the clumping of the film grain
In order to control the end result of your images, you will need to either shoot using black and white film and develop it yourself or find some black and white film that can be developed in standard colour film C-41 processors.

These are black and white images, and were made with black and white film. You can create similar images using digital cameras by 'desaturating' the images in PhotoShop or The Gimp.
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