What kind of film can I use for my Nikon N200?

I don't know much about cameras or film. I just found an old Nikon N200 in my closet and its in perfect shape. I wanted to snap a few pics, but I don't know what kind of film it needs. The manual says usable film speed range for DX coded film is ISO 25 to 4000, but I have no clue what that means. So basically, what type of film do I need, and where can I buy it.
Added (1). It is an N2000, sorry

Your camera uses 35 mm film
Here is the user manual which will help you figure things out.
My guess is that your camera is really a N2000, not N200
Basically every thing is just about balancing the shutter speed and lens aperture to get perfect exposures (using the cameras light meter)
DX code is what the camera uses to automatically set the ISO on the camera light meter.
Since all the film made is between about 100 ISO and 3200 ISO, the film is within the range of your cameras DX range.

35mm film. I'd advise 200 or 400 ISO colour print film, because it's cheap, easy to find and it can be processed just about anywhere.
There's no, 'Wrong,' film (as long as it's 35mm), it's just that the print film's a good start.

You can find film for this camera at places like Walmart for about $2.50 a roll.
I have a N2000. Nice little camera. It was the first one to have a built in motor drive.