What kind of camera is good for a new photographer?
Help! This question is for the photoagraphers out there. Anyways I want a camera that takes really clear images like the ones people take on on this website: http://lookbook.nu/. I'm new to the photo world and I really need help. I asked a girl who posted a photo what kind of camera she used and she said the nikon D600? I looked it up and it was way too expensive for my budget. And plus I'm only 14 so my dad would kill me if I ran that up on his credit card haha. So what's a good camera that takes really clear images like the website I shared that is in the price range of maybe $100-300 dollars at the most?
"clear images" can be achieved even with a cheap little P&S, although those ones need perfect light for that to happen (i.e. It won't work in a dark indoor situation).
Most of all, it will depend on YOU learning about photography and about whichever camera you have.