What digital SLR camera?

For my birthday, i'm getting a digital SLR camera.i'm trying to get one in the range of $600-$1000. I really am clueless on which camera to get.i'm not a professional or anythings, just wanting one to take high quality pictures. Please recommend a good camera. I want a camera from Nikon the most.

Here is the Nikon dSLR with the most bang for the buck in your budget.
http://www.nikonusa.com/...D3100.html. With the money left over you can buy a second lens or a copy of Lightroom 3 at your student book store.
What Lightroom can do for you

Nikon D3100 for $700
it currently has the "best bang for the buck" with HD video and autofocusing while filming
it is a great camera. You should then spend the rest on getting another lens such as the 55-200 to have a complete range