Nikon SLR Cameras

What camera should i consider getting?


I prefer Nikon, or Canon. But whichever will fit my standards the most is fine i guess too.
I would love for it to be underwater, but also take beautiful out of water pictures.
It should be a very "strong" camera, (I'm a bit of a klutz.)
Should have SLR.
Suggest it to be inexpensive, ranging from 200-500. THE MOST.
Auto Focus?
Be great in low-light conditions.
Recording also.

Anything that you think might fit all of those requirements please post a link!


"Should have SLR"… SLR is a film camera and DSLR is digital

"be inexpensive, ranging from 200-500. THE MOST"… Unless you buy a used camera, you will have a hard time finding a DSLR for less than $550

"I would love for it to be underwater"… Any SLR or DSLR will require an underwater case and lens port, those will cost $1, 500-$6, 000 in addition to the camera cost (plus another $1, 500++ for lights)

"Auto Focus… Be great in low-light conditions."… That will depend on the lenses you use

"also take beautiful out of water pictures."… That will depend on your skill with the camera

Instead, I would suggest a P&S camera like the Canon D10


I definitely suggest you get a FUJI film, they meet all your requirements except for your underwater one.


I wanted a camera that I could use while snorkeling. Canon PowerShot D10 is it! The point and shoot feature makes it easy for anybody to use. The colors are really great. I love this camera. I'm so glad I bought it. It also takes great pics in low light situations.