Nikon SLR Cameras

What camera brand is better?


So i can't decide whether to get a Nikon or Canon digital SLR Camera. What brand would you prefer?



Hannah S
Hannah S

Nikon for sure!


I use Nikon, but either of these brands are top notch. Pros use both brands, advanced amateurs use both brands, and my friends in a digital photography club use both brands.

Conclusion: You can''t go wrong with either Nikon or Canon.So, go to a camera store, check both brands out, ask some friends who know a lot about photography. Don't let any one person influence your decision. Now that you know more about individual models from one or both brands, decide on your budget, what you can afford initially and what you think you want in the future. This is not an easy decision.

Both brands have beginner priced models, and they go up from there. Some start out with a beginner's model - they are very powerful tools and can take amazing pictures. Join a camera club. Talk to people who know how to take and make amazing pictures. Learn how a computer complements the camera, and helps you transform a snapshot into a work of art. It is amazing how you can enjoy this hobby.


They're both top quality companies. If you want to do any video work, Canon defiantly has the edge and it's been said that Nikon produces higher quality images. Personally I don't think the image difference is noticeable and I enjoy making videos, so it was a no brainer to go with Canon, but you really can't lose either way.


It doesn't matter.

Find a dealer who'll let you handle them and see which one you like better.