Nikon SLR Cameras

Suggestions on a new camera?


I'm a semi-professional photographer and it seems my camera can't keep up, I've been looking at Canon EOS Rebel T3 / 1100D and Nikon D90s and I can't decide, they both seem very high grade I currently have a Canon but it's getting old and needs to be replaced.


You can read reviews for both in You can compare it

you can search both here


Sometimes we're undecided between a couple of camera models.

The best thing for figuring out the differences and picking the winner is to go to the manufacturer's website and compare the specs. If they are made by the SAME company, you may even find a comparison tool right there on their website.
Carefully read the specs and make note of the differences.

Nearly always the newer and/or more expensive model actually IS the better one, too, but that doesn't necessarily mean that you really NEED the dearest one. This is the part that is hardest for us to answer, since YOU know much better what your needs are than we do.

If you're still undecided, google for a few reviews and check out sites such as or

Doing this work yourself instead of waiting for an answer to be presented has a big advantage for you. It forces you to do some thinking, research and learning. In the process, you become an educated shopper who is much more likely to enjoy his/her purchases instead of regretting the wrong choices a short while later.
Enjoy the journey - that researching part can actually be fun!


Get off your a**e, find a dealer and pick them up.

Sony do better video, Olympus are smaller/lighter and Pentax do the same job, but the choice is yours.