Nikon SLR Cameras

Sony, Canon, or Nikon for a DSLR?


My photography teacher is dedicated to Canon and says I should go for a Canon but I want to hear about other cameras first.

Jim A
Jim A

Canon and Nikon are chosen by professionals all over the world for many good reasons.

Sony hasn't been in the consumer market all that long and their gear hasn't been tested over time.
They've been doing commercial television for many years, I know because I did a career in television photography and they make wonderful gear chosen world wide. Consumer side, I'm sure they make good stuff but still not tested.

I would agree with your teacher - Canon. I own two of their dslr cameras and am very pleased with both.

Jack F
Jack F

Your photography teacher is a clueless. Any dSLR of any brand will do.

The best one is the one that YOU like in YOUR hands. Do you like the weight? What about the menu system? Do you like the button placement? Do you like the viewfinder? A dSLR is a very personal choice, don't be swayed by your teacher or scared into buying a Canon or Nikon, when actually you might like a Sony or Pentax.

They all have plenty of lenses, plenty of accessories and every one of them takes excellent photographs in the right hands.

You might have guessed that JimA is a biased Canon user, just like your teacher, so can be safely ignored, just like your teacher can be…


First of all - eliminate Sony from that question.

The debate about who is superior between Canon and Nikon is a battle which in my opinion, will never be agreed on. Canon users will say Canon and Nikon users will say Nikon… For the most part anyway!

I personally think (think, not know) that Nikon has more advanced beginner DSLRS such as the D3000, D5000, D40, D60 etc… But when it comes to value for money, Canons prosumer DSLRS are the better way to go… (again, that's just my opinion!)

Of course it all boils down to personal preference, so I suggest going to your local camera shop and testing the different cameras and then seeing which one you prefer.


Nikon and Canon are great top brand for DSLR camera. Both are good and have a lot of lens & accessories to choose. Personally I prefer Nikon however you should go to store and try them both which one that fit to your hand and feel easier to navigate for you.


Nikon and Canon both take great pictures, you can't go wrong with any of them.
I would personally choose a Nikon, take awesome pictures, just to show my clueless teacher that Canon ain't the end of the world. Besides Nikon is cheaper!


Canon is the winner in my opinion.
Heres why…
Customers didn't have to throw out both 35mm film cameras and lenses then re invest in all new lenses when buying a digital camera body.
Canon AF EOS lenses used on EOS AF 35mm film camera bodies work on the new AF digital camera bodies.
AF = autofocus