Slr digital camera for good price with additional lens?

Looking to gift slr camera to my wife but don't have a budget for more then 500-550$. She loves slr camera. Can you suugest good slr cameras looking mostly nikon or canon with additional lens.
also can you suggest where i can get good deal on slr camera thanks

A couple of years ago I got an entry level Nikon D3000 with the 18-55mm zoom lens for about $500 new online. Now that the newer entry level models are out, you can find this combo for much cheaper.
This goes the same for just about any entry level Nikon DSLR: D40, D40x, D60, D3100, D5000, D5100. They're all priced well within that range with a lens included. The only problem, however, is that not all of the Nikon lenses can auto focus on those camera bodies (because they don't have a built in motor).
I'm not trying to sound biased towards Nikon, I absolutely love Canon as well, but didn't find their entry models at a suitable price when I bought my camera. Canon's entry level models (500, 550, etc) were also good as well.
I always buy my camera equipment off of Ebay or Amazon, when it's listed as new. Look for sellers with a high number of sales and a good reputation. You'll get the best price that way. When it comes to purchasing DSLRs, most retail stores don't have a good price or selection (best buy, walmart, target).
FYI - the standard kit lens that comes with entry model DSLRs (18-55mm) is pretty good. If you want better, look into the 50mm models. Not all of them do auto focus on entry Nikon DSLRs, but the image quality can't be beat.

With your budget might I offer the Canon 1100D (t3).It's the latest model to be released.It's
12mp and does 720 HD video.
I have two Rebel dslr cameras and they're both excellent but one doesn't do video and the other
is about $100 over your budget so this one falls right in there.
It doesn't come with an extra lens but, as already said, the 18-55 is pretty good. The one I have is
IS so it's a great help with hand held video.

I'm Really considering purchasing this camera. It looks really good. The price is really good for what it comes with