Nikon SLR Cameras

Professional Camera Nikon or smthg but cheap?

Gary Jay
Gary Jay

What should i buy? The cheapest and smthg good
if its not Nikon its ok… Thanks


The cheapest "professional" grade camera start around $4, 000; semi-professional cameras start around $1, 700; and entry level cameras start around $550.

The best thing for you to do is to go to an actual camera shop (not an electronics store). You need to hold/handle/try the different brands and model in your budget to see what feels comfortable to you, and that you can find/use the controls easily. I chose Canon for its ergonomics and menu layout while a fellow photog chose Nikon for the same reason.

As far as a particular model, both Canon and Nikon make good cameras. Without knowing what your budget is, it is hard to make a recommendation. Don't forget to add an extra battery, memory cards, padded case, and taxes into your budget.

Vintage Music
Vintage Music

Consider the Nikon D3100.