How to photograph of an interior neon sign?

I own a nikon d5500. And I want to take a shot of my neon sign in my room. I tried in low ISO and high shutter speed but the result was not satisfying since it may reduce the neon glow but remain the neon surroundings (entire room) so dark.
what adjustment do i need to take a shot of my neon sign while the entire room is still in normal light?

Stack up three exposures the requisite number f stops apart. (HDR mode does this automatically)

Take two shots, one for the bright neon sign and a dark room and another for a super-bright neon sign and a well-lighted room then put them together in the computer showing only the good parts.

Take the cover off

Try using a flash to fill the background with a large f value to reduce the neon light at a mid iso

Set your camera on a tripod. I suspect it's better that you shoot it head on, not from a low perspective.
Of course, you'll do best by shooting in dimmed lighting (need a dimmer in the light switch for the overhead lights, if it's an incandescent bulb). To avoid the "glare" from the light in darkened-effect, use small bulbs in two desk lamps at opposite sides of the neon sign; it's like trying to stare at a light bulb in total darkness, as opposed to having other side light sources in the surrounding that SEEM to dim the effect of a light in darkness. That's why you get glare in total darkness from the neon sign but not with the overhead light on, right?
Use Spot metering, not the Average/Center-weighted metering or Matrix metering to get a more accurate reading of the light tubes.
Experiment a bit. Enjoy the experience. Make notations you can share with friends. They will probably try the same experiment and compare notes.
Using Shutter Speed Priority, start at 1/30th second at a low ISO. See what happens. Work your way up incrementally with Shutter Speeds. And have fun!

Cool, I've been looking for this one for a long time

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Thanks for the post