Nikon SLR Cameras

Pentax K-r worth buy? - 1

Siow Yih jing
Siow Yih jing

These days i came across PENTAX DSLR and the photos taken by them in flickr are so so sharp! From my point of view, the IQ is way much better and sharper than probably CANON and NIKON. I started get interested with it but why is it seems like there are not much PENTAX user in this world compared to canon and nikon? And is it worth for me to buy? Is it really much better than canon and nikon?

Vinegar Taster
Vinegar Taster

Nikon & Canon hold something like 80% of the digital market for a reason. Most pros and advanced users shoot with them.No, it is not better than Nikon or Canon. That's just your imagination.
But buy what you like, not what I or anyone else tells you to. If you like the K-r, buy one!


Right now, due to my financial reasons, I'm saving money to buy a Pentax DSLR.

My reasoning is this: I own a Pentax K-1000 and a Pentax Honeywell film type cameras. The K-1000 uses a bayonet type of lens (in which I have 22 of them) and the Honeywell used a screw-in type lens (in which I have 6 of them). You are now probably wondering as to why is this important. Well, it is because out of all of the Digital SLR Manufacturers today, Pentax is the only one out there that can use any lens that has ever been used on a Pentax camera ever made.

That's right! My 22 bayonet lens will work on any Pentax DSLR and the 6 screw-in lens can also be used with the purchase of an adapter. Nikon, Canon, Sony, and any other do not offer this capability.

So, I can used my so-called 'useless' equipment with the new or also buy the new equipment.

Think about it. You can buy used Pentax lens anywhere and rather cheap too.


Your observations are correct about Pentax IQ. I've seen a lot of test comparisons online that prove it. Just because there are more users of a product doesn't make it automatically better. Pentax has been a niche product in the digital age. They have a smaller product line and don't blow their budget on advertising. They are terrific cameras and the lenses are fantastic. You can use any Pentax k-mount lens ever made on a Pentax DSLR and it's even stabilized because Pentax uses in body stabilization rather than in-lens like Canon and Nikon. The only caveat is that their video feature is not that great, but if you're buying a still camera to take still shots you can't beat Pentax IMO.