Opinions? Nikon or Canon?

From the DSLR standpoint.
Added (1). Jeroen, thank you for your douchey albeit informative answer.

It completely depends on what you're looking for and what pricerange. If you're completely new to DSLRs… Just get one that feels good in your hands because that's the one you'll WANT to use. If you're looking for an entry level DSLR I would have to ask why the Pentax K-x isn't on the list because it outperforms both Nikon and Canon's noise to ISO ratio (and it's cheaper for the kit).In the end it boils down to they're so similar that an accurate answer isn't available.
If you have any old lenses laying around that may be good, you may want to get a camera that can use them, otherwise just get the one that feels the best.

Hey x i'm studying about froensic photography at the moment and me personally would use a Nikon camara but there both as good but it's up to you xx

Either. Also look at Olympus, Pentax, Sony, Fujifilm, Panasonic, and others. Get what feels comfortable and is easier for you to understand. The quality of your images will be governed by your skills, not the camera that you use.