Opinions on Canon EF 35mm f/2.0?

I have a Canon 50mm f/1.8 now but I'm finding the focal length very constricting and the focusing to be rather inaccurate - especially compared to the Nikkor 35mm f/1.8 I had when I had a Nikon.
I'd like to hear people's opinions on the Canon ef 35mm f/2.0.
Does it have accurate focusing? (I do a lot of self-portraits so it's a little hard to rely on manual focus)
Do you find the photos sharp at f/2.0? (I utilize bokeh in most of my photos so I'd like to be able to shoot at the widest aperture possible)
*I have a Canon 60D

The Canon 50mm f/1.8 is a cheap but very good value lens. It is sharp if you use it from f/2.8 onwards. Your are right that it may not be wide enough when used with a 1.6 cropped factor sensor.
You may want to refer to the two sites below which gives very good and dependable review
The Digital Picture review:
This site is the most complete site fro all Canon related equipment.
Fred Miranda:
This site has a review forum where actual users post their comments. You will find comments by users who used the lens in different situations.
The third site I recommend you to visit is pixel-peeper. Here you will see be able to view full resolution shots of the lens.
**Note**: The link above will open to the page specific to the 35mm f/2.0. You can go to the home pages and review other lens.

I would consider its a good lens
Canon EF 35mm f/2 Wide Angle Lens for Canon SLR Cameras
EF mount; wide-angle lens
Compact and lightweight
35mm focal length
f/2 maximum aperture
Overall linear extension system with Autofocus drive