Nikon SLR Cameras

Nikon or Cannon Camera?


Uhh so i'm debating on which one to get because i don't know which one has the better quality - any help?

Added (1). Ok, idgaf how stupid you might think this question is you either answer it or not.


In the first place this question is a joke! I'm not trying to offend you! Because each camera is going to give you absolutely great results. What you should base your decision on is how comfortable is each camera to hold, VIEW thru, and the location of the controls. I can tell you that Nikon equipment has normally cost more to purchase than Canon. Whether it is enough to make a difference to you, is for you to decide.


Coke or Pepsi? Honda or Toyota? Sony or Panasonic? Dell or HP? Microsoft or Apple? Nikon or Canon?
These questions do not have an answer.

Dr. Iblis
Dr. Iblis

It is a matter of opinion

both those companies are competing with eachother. They have excellent products all the the capacity to do great things. What matters is your skill level