Nikon or Cannon camera? - 1
Any good camera suggestions? Nothing way too pricey, but good quality.
Nikon L120, its a preety good cameraa
Nikon is a good camera it specialises in taking photos
I find Nikon are more reliable, and consistently produce good quality items. Cannon cameras tend to be more basic, and a bit hit and miss with quality.
Nikon D3100 / Canon Rebel T3, both about $500, with a 18-55mm lens.
You know two manufacturers and can't spell one of them? Now you know why I call them, 'The Idiots' Two.'
Take a look at the answers the 168, 000 other times this question has been asked. Apart from anything else, 'Nothing way too pricey,' for these brands is a synonym for. 'Less camera for more money.'
Since a cannon is something that fires big lead balls, you'd have to buy a Nikon wouldn't you.
If it's a DSLR type camera you're after… Nikon D3100 seems to be the default popular choice
If it's a bridge camera, or a compact you're after… Neither, get a Fuji
If you're after a DSLR camera, but can't be bothered choosing / changing lenses, consider the Fuji HS range of Bridge cameras
What's your definition of "too pricey"?
A DSLR would give you the best quality. Any DSLR will be better than any cheap compact because it will have a larger sensor.
The cheapest DSLR right now is the D3100 from Amazon at £290: and then claim £35 back from Nikon: which gives a final cost of £255 once you get cour money back.
The cashback is actually in the form of a pre-paid Visa credit card that you can use anywhere that accepts Visa.