Nikon N70 lens compatibility?

I'm trying to understand what type of lenses will work with my film slr nikon n70. Any lens suggestions for someone who wants to shoot portraits indoors (with soft boxes).

It takes lenses in Nikon AF mount, both available new (expensive) and on the used market.
If you're not too worried about AF, it also takes AI, Series - E or AIS-fit manual focus lenses. I'm not entirely sure about compatibility with the AF-S lenses for cropped sensors, but someone will be along soon to elaborate.

The N70 will not support matrix metering with AI lenses, and can't operate in Program mode. It will work fine with AF & AF/S lenses, but will not support VR.
I would stick with the AF D lenses for this camera. Luckily for you, these are reasonably priced on the used market.
Get a 50mm f1.8 AF D, or 85mm f1.8 AF D lens. The 50 mm will be much cheaper, but the 85 will be a better portrait lens.

Others seem to have answered most of this. I will just add don't buy DX lenses. They will only work properly with Nikon DX sized sensor DSLR cameras. The N70 is equivalent to full-frame on modern Nikon lenses.
